Wondering which grinder/spice mix has everyone steaming? It's the Butch T. A strain of the infamous Trinidad Scorpion pepper, the Butch T was once the hottest pepper in the world. It's a global menace, a culinary killer that'll light your face on fire.
- Hits like a flamethrower: 1.2 to 2 million Scoville Heat Units
- Sinister looks with a venomous "stinger" tail
- Beguiling fruity flavor before the hellfire hits
- If you dare to dance with this devilish pepper, order it now. You’ll find it in:
- In Every PRO Collection
- In the CLASSIC Collection’s ‘Ring of Fire’ and ‘Explorer Pack
- In the JUNIOR Collection’s ‘Stromboli’
You can also order it by itself if you wish in the SOLO Collection. www.spicequestlabs.com